Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HAAF Supports Our Teachers and Our Schools

Alarmed by recent union losses in a Wisconsin teacher labor battle, thousands of organized workers marched through downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, vowing to fight a similar fate here in cash-strapped California. 

A colorful sea of unity marched through the streets of Los Angeles in a multi-union march and rally to fight for our children's education and the teachers in our communities. LAUSD’s attacks on our community and our teachers, including massive layoffs, attacks on seniority, evaluations based on student test scores, giving away and reconstituting of school  has got to stop. It is our duty to let our voice be heard.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cumulative Environmental Impacts in Los Angeles: Public Health's Role In Emerging Policy Solutions

Here is a great event that has come to our attention at HAAF and we have provided the information below if you or anyone you know is interested.

Air pollution affects us all and it takes a disproportionate toll on children, the elderly, people of color and people living in low-income communities. On April 6th, Liberty Hill Foundation and Prevention Institute will host a half-day forum to explore the cumulative impact of environmental toxins and emerging state and local policy solutions. Thought leaders and practitioners will discuss the role of data, public health involvement, social determinants, community participatory research, and new tools for revitalizing communities while reducing the burden of environmental hazards.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
8:30 am – Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 am to 12 noon – Program

Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
244 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 •

Going Green Can Save You Money!

Here is an interesting site I found that gives 42 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint while saving you money. Here are the ways in which going green can save you green:

1. Switch 3 lights that you use for 4 hours a day with compact fluorescent bulbs.
2. Replace a porch light that’s always on with a compact fluorescent bulb.
3. Turn your heater thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in the summer.
4. Install a programmable thermostat to adjust your home’s heating and cooling automatically.
5. Make sure your walls and ceilings are well-insulated.
6. Air-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer.
7. Set your water heater thermostat no higher than 120 F.
8. Replace bathroom and kitchen sink facets with low-flow models.
9. Install low-flow shower heads.
10. Go from 500 sheets of 0% recycled computer to 200 sheets of 100% recycled paper.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to the HAAF Blog!

Hello and welcome!

This is the beginning of our HAAF blog. We will make regular posts on issues that pertain to the community and anything else we think will be good reading material. We plan to write on issues such as: community, events, helpful information, family, health and much more. We invite you to read our blog and tell your friends, family and colleagues about it. We also love hearing feedback from the community so if there is ever a topic you would like us to discuss please email Andrea Brown, HAAF's Media Coordinator, at